Hieroglyph Screenshots
Hieroglyph Screenshots is built by Dragon Astronauts. DA is run by solo entrepreneur John Maddux who does development, marketing, and all the other business stuff. An experienced software engineers who is passionate about building secure and speedy APIs. I relish the challenge of developing the best screenshot API on the market.
At Hieroglyph Screenshots, we're dedicated to creating an exceptional screenshot API that is precise, scalable, and comprehensive in functionality.
What sets our API apart?
Our platform is designed on Chrome and AWS Lambda, which delivers unmatched rendering accuracy and ensures that we stay up-to-date with the latest web standards. With AWS, we can easily scale and capture thousands of screenshots concurrently.
Who is the owner?
Hieroglyph Screenshots is a product of Dragon Astronauts, a small tech company situated in Atlanta, GA. Since its establishment in 2015, Dragon Astronauts has successfully launched several products, one of which is our screenshot API.
John Maddux
Developer/Everything Else
Chillin in the woods near Portland.